Key Stats: All BG's normal. 4 shakes 1 bar no off eating. No formal exercise today.
I hate writing that- no formal exercise. I just ran out of time today. I was going to swim in the morning so I didn't wake up early to exercise before my son wakes up. It took me longer to get out of the house than it should have, so I felt like I didn't have time to get a swim in. In stead of walking during lunch I used lunch time to get a few new t-shirts since I have none now. When I got home I took my son to get him the flashlight he earned by going in the potty every time. Then it was family dinner time. Then bed time, then I ran to the bike store to pick my bike up. So yah, I could have moved priorities around and fit the exercise in better, but I didn't. I guess I am ok with that. Everyone needs to take a day and rest anyways- and now I just plan to hit it during the weekend.
The time at lunch to get a few shirts was prompted by taking all of my old clothes and donating them. My closet is empty of my fat clothes, except for a few shirts that have sentimental value (my Team Powvens March of Dimes shirt, my US Coast Guard shirt, and a green shirt that I was wearing for a picture when I was at my largest size). I also still have my suits, I am holding out hope that I can get them tailored to make them fit me again, but I some how doubt that will happen. It was a big leap to get rid of all of those clothes, but I am happy I did it. I joked all day that some fat dude is going to hit the jackpot when my clothes get put out.
It just feels so good to wear clothes that fit me. I keep having to check my shirt because I am not used to feeling the shirt in so many places. For so long I just wore baggy clothes. I never did it with the thought of hiding my body, but I can see now that I was. I still have a way to go before I am ready to "show off" my body (if ever) but I can wear shirts that show my shape quite a bit better now. Hell when I picked up my bike I also purchased some spandex bike shorts. I figure if I am going to ride I need to have the proper clothes to do it in, and I found out everyone wears those shorts because of the padding built into the butt on them. I don't care that I am still a bit too big to be in spandex, or even that I used to think the people doing it looked stupid- I am doing what I need to do to take care of myself and exercise, and I am going to wear the proper clothes to do it in. I am looking forward to rocking my new shorts on the bike ride tomorrow. I have to plan out a path yet, but I am aiming for a 30 minute ride. I can do it.
Today is the start of week 11 of this program. That for some reason feels very significant. I am so glad I started this. I am so proud of myself for how far I have gotten. I am so excited to keep going. I have thought about wishing I had done a before picture when I started this program. But that would lead me to a after picture. Now I am just not comfortable with the idea of an after picture. Maybe a "in progress" picture. But after implies that when I hit a certain weight I am done- Mission accomplished. It just can not be that way. It is a milestone for certain, but the mission will be accomplished when I reach an old age without any comorbid conditions of being over weight. The mission is to live a healthy life. By the time I get to after I hope that everyone who looks at the over weight picture of me wonders who that fat person is, the Jon they have known for decades was a healthy guy who ate good and always exercised. I can do that- I know I can.
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