Monday, April 22, 2013

Footsteps (day 67)

Key Stats: All BG's normal. 4 shakes 1 bar no off eating. 30 minutes on the bike in the morning, 35 minute walk for lunch, and a 33 minute run/walk in the evening.

In total today I walked/ran over 5 miles. I don't know how many miles a person walks in a year, but I am willing to be I didn't walk much more than 5 miles last year. The running as made me fairly sore, but I rocked it out. Now I am not going to win any races, and I certainly did more walking than running... but today was part of the start.

I miss my bike. I really wanted to go for a ride today. I saw at the park that we took my son to a guy towing his child in a trailer to the park. I want to do that for my son. I want him to learn about a healthy active father. I want him to learn from me what a healthy and active life can be. That is really one of the biggest motivators for me to do this. I did not want my son to follow in the footsteps I was leaving for him. I am getting close to having footsteps I would be proud for him to follow. The footsteps of a healthy man. The footsteps of an active father. The footsteps of some one who takes care of himself, his family, and his life. I can do this.


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