Key Stats: All BG's normal. 4 shakes 1 bar no off eating. 30 minute bike ride, 30 minute walk.
Today a co-worker hit his 5 year anniversary For some reason as we have never done this before they had a informal celebration and donuts were brought in. Really good donuts from Greenbush Bakery. If you have never had donuts from Greenbush you are missing out. I didn't have a single one though. Wasn't even tempted. I have also renamed donuts fat pills- maybe that helped a bit. They did look good though. I am really proud of myself.
I have over done exercise this week. My legs are sore. Tomorrow is a day off. The bad part about that is that I really enjoy the exercise. My bike ride this morning while a bit cold was really peaceful. Other than fighting the gears while trying to climb a big hill (the gearing on the bike drives me insane the shifts are really clunky when hill climbing) it was really nice. I didn't even feel too ridiculous wearing my bike shorts.
Today when I stepped on the scale (my unofficial weight scale) I hit 245. That makes a total of 110 pounds since I started my weight loss journey. This journey has not been smooth or easy. But I am down 110. I am impressed and proud- and still a bit scared of the future to be honest. But after this far traveled I have to find the way to keep traveling down the healthy life path. I can do this.
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