Key Stats: 4 shakes 1 bar no off eating. No formal exercise (again).
I swear- I am going to start feeling better or I am going to just exercise while being sick. I miss the exercise.
Well down to 235 on the official scale. That means I met my last goal officially today. We set a new goal. I will be on the shakes and bars until 220, then start the transition with a goal of getting to 205 during transition. I feel ready for this, and I am excited.
In the last 98 days I have learned so much about myself and my eating. I have learned about triggers, and unhealthy habits. I have taken the time to examine myself as much as I can. I wrote nearly everyday, and stayed honest with myself and everyone who reads this. I promised my wife 100%, I promised myself 100% and I can say with all honestly that I have given it 100% and it worked. So I just have to keep giving it 100% and everything should be fine right? I don't yet know what the future is going to hold with food and what my meals will look like. Next week I begin meeting with the dietitian on a regular basis to start to really plan that out. I know that the plate method is going to be a part of it. I also know that my old eating has to truly be just that, only my old eating. And really, I know one other important thing- I know I can do it.
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