Key Stats: BG's all good and below 90, 4 shakes 1 bar no off eating, 30 minutes on the elliptical in the morning and strength and conditioning training in the evening.
I went to a restaurant today with my family and mother. It was olive garden. It is not my favorite place but there is certainly plenty for me to crave. I like the bread-sticks and love Alfredo sauce. I found it very easy to not want to eat though. I sat at the table and made my shake using ice water which made it a nice treat. This was really though one of the first time I sat in front of food though and didn't miss the food. I also challenged myself and searched the menu for what to get if I was going to try and eat reasonably. I would have to add fish to my tastes to have a chance. And even with the fish I would need to change what they put on it. It was really kind of disappointing to see that though as I don't really want to give up on all eating out but so far I am not finding much that would be good.
I added today strength training. I purchased a set of dumbells and an exercise mat. I am going to feel this in the morning. I lifted to muscle failure on a few sets. My abs are worthless. I am going to be sore. I think it only took me 10-15 minutes to be on the floor sucking air and feeling like jelly. I am sure it will get better, I just hope it doesn't take too long. I do know that I can do this.
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