Key stats: Morning BG 76, evening BG 83. TONS of walking, no formal exercise. 4 shakes, 1 bar, no off eating.
Not eating off today was harder than it has been in awhile. I had 4 moments when I talked myself into eating off, and then had to talk myself out of it.
1.) Before my presentation. I was nervous about speaking and told myself that some food would make me feel better. So I decided I would have some pizza. But I realized shortly after I decided I could that it would be a bad idea to cheat after this long of doing well.
2.) After my presentation. I did really well, and felt like a rock star, of course that meant I deserved a treat. Some pizza. I realized shortly after that I earned the a treat for sure, but the treat I was going to get was going to be long term health, not short term pleasure.
3.) After the show was wrapping up for the day a social gathering with food was starting. Free food, finger food, awesome looking pasta, roast beef. I said to myself that I should be social and join with what everyone else is doing. Not joining in on the food didn't leave me out of anything though. I don't need to eat or drink to be social.
4.) FREE BOOZE, GOOD FREE BOOZE. All top shelf, great wines, good whiskey, all my favorites. I figured what is one drink, how big of a deal could that be. But I didn't, I drank water. And you know what, I could still just stand around and talk with people.
I just have to wrap this post up with WINNING! and of course, I can do this.
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