Key Stats: Morning BG 85, afternoon BG 75. 4 shakes, 1 bar. No exercise.
Today was not a great day. WHile it is not really fair to say no exercise since I had to remove snow, I didn't do any of my exercise activities. By the time the snow was taken care of in the morning I had no time to ride. Going for a walk during the day was a no go because it was still snowing and finding sidewalks to walk one was not going ot happen. Then I had a meeting that lasted until 7PM, and I had family duties to take care of until nearly 10 PM (I am writing this right before I go to bed). So like the title says, not a good day.
But, it is not a bad day. I will not let missing one day of exercise ruin me. I didn't eat anything I wasn't suppose to. I didn't miss any meals like I had yesterday. I still did good, just not great. Tomorrow is my weigh in, I hope to drop 13 pounds, which would take me to 299. Being below 300 would be a huge win. I don't know if this is realistic or not. But I can hope. Either way, I am sure I have lost weight this week again. and I know that I can do this.
I'm sorry you had to miss out on your rides and walk today :( but you are correct, missing one day to remove snow and take care of family activities will not bring you down. Hoping for a 13 tonight!!