Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Forgetting to eat(day 12)

Key Stats: Morning BG 73, Evening BG 70. 30 minutes on the bike in the morning, 20 minute walk at lunch, 30 minutes on the bike in the evening. 4 shakes 1 bar, no off eating.

I missed a shake today. I was super busy at work, and when my alarm went off to eat I didn't have time to go make the shake. I didn't notice that I had forgotten until I was packing up to go home. I was surprised that I wasn't hungry. I don't know if it was all in my head though, but temptation reared its ugly head when I got home. Plus I think I went too long between eating as I was starting to loss energy and started to feel crappy. I have to make sure to not skip meals like that again. I think most of it was in my head, but it is what it is.

But today was still a good day, after all I faced temptation and won. I'll post the winning tag on this email for sure. We had cookies at the company meeting, some bags of chips got left on the kitchen table free for the taking, and some one put a bunch of left over valentines candies on the table. I could have taken any of these and enjoyed them. I didn't.

I can do this.


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