Sunday, February 24, 2013

Committed (day 10)

Key Stats: Lunch BG: 72, Dinner BG: 84. 30 minutes on the bike in the morning, 55 minutes on the bike in the evening. 4 shakes, 1 bar, no off eating.

Today was a good day for me. I felt stronger than I have in a few days. I got to face, and over come 2 big challenges for me.

Challenge one: While going to get my ring re-sized (apparently all of my weight was in my ring finger because my ring simply falls off when I try and put it on now) I had to face Andes Mints. I love those. I put a link back there to a 5 pound bag of them. I am certain I could eat that bag in a day while at work. Again, no one would have notices, no one would have found out, but I wasn't even really all that tempted. I got my ring turned in to be re-sized and walked out.

Challenge two: Easter candy is here. Creme eggs, Starburst Jelly beans... I can not eat too many of those. I really don't know if I would have a limit to how many of them I could eat. Again I saw them, acknowledged what I could have done, or would have done, and moved on.

The title of the post is committed and it really rung true today. When I got married my ring size was 18. We could barely find a place that had the sizers to make a ring that size. Now that my ring is falling off I tried to find a temporary sizer for it to make it so that it fit. So I took the ring into Kesslers were we purchased it from, and it turns out they did not have a temporary size that could drop the ring size down to a 14.5. That is right, I have dropped 3.5 sizes from my ring finger. I had no idea that would happen, or could happen. So I had to send the ring in to be resized. That now leaves me so that if I gain the weight I have lost back, I will not have a ring to wear. This is I am sure the first of many getting too small for things I own, but it is also the hardest to change. I hate not wearing my ring, and I would hate to have to bring it in to make it bigger again. I can do this.


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